61處女地地球的生命有限科學家一直找可以殖民的另一顆地球發現是有3顆其中命名為61處支票貼現女地但是從地球去—要走28光年(以現在的科技太空梭, 恐怕不只28光年?) seoPlanet-hunters have discovered two "super-Earths" orbiting two nearby Sun-like 膠原蛋白stars. These rocky planets are larger than the Earth but much smaller than ice 當鋪giants such as Uranus and Neptune. Scientists say the discoveries are a step 房屋二胎towards finding potentially habitable planets - smaller planets that are 酒店打工comparable to the Earth. Details of the new planets are described in two papers 襯衫in the Astrophysical Journal. Two US-based scientists led the international 情趣用品research effort - Paul Butler from the Carnegie Institution's Department of 吳哥窟Terrestrial Magnetism in Washington and Steven Vogt of the University of 酒店經紀California , Santa Cruz . BBC:science

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